Most sobering thought from the video:
- The ROI of social media is your business will still exist in 5 years
Some stats on social media from Erik Qualman at Social Media Revolution 2011:
A few other highlights that caught my eye:
Cutsie lines:
- Kindergartners are learning on iPads not chalkboards
- Social gamers will buy $6 billion in virtual goods by 2013 – moviegoers by only $2.5 billion of real goods
Aha for me:
- YouTube is a second most popular search engine.
My experience:
I have put a few cartoons up on YouTube. You can find them on my Once Upon Internal Control blog. I’m not exactly sure how to read the stats at YouTube, but as best I can tell 58% of the people who have looked at my cartoons found them from YouTube directly while only 34% of the viewers came from my own blogs. From Google? 2%.
Hat tip – Rick Telberg at CPA Trendlines.
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