The new risk alerts for 15/16 are out from the AICPA. These will help you get ready for your year-end work starting in just a few weeks.
Check out:
- Developments in Preparation, Compilation, and Review Engagements 2015/16 – Click on ‘eBook’ or ‘Paperback’ link. This covers the new SSARS 21 that is effective for 12/31/15 year-end financial statements. Includes the new preparation service.
- General Accounting and Auditing Developments – 2015/16 Audit Risk Alert – The ever valuable audit risk alert. Click on ‘eBook’ under first item after “alerts”. This ought to be an annual must-read for auditors.
- Independence and Ethics Developments – 2014/15 Alert – Click on ‘eBook’ or ‘Paperback’ as you wish. Does not appear to have been updated yet for 15/16.
That is a lot of material. If you want to have any chance of keeping up with the rapid change taking place around us, you need to do a lot of reading. I’ve found the annual risk alerts from the AICPA are a superb resource to help me keep current.