As you read the following articles, keep in mind the LA County Sheriff and the Riverside County Sheriff have both said they will not enforce any vaccination mandate for their staff. In addition, the Chicago police union is in court trying to get and order to prohibit the vaccination dictat. Officers who are not in full compliance have been pulled off patrol.
Imminent problems:
- There are widespread firings on near-term horizon for police officers, firefighters, and hospital workers.
- 90% of companies with over 100 employees expect to lose staff from their already understaffed organizations because of vaccination mandates.
Chronicles Magazine – 10/18/21 – The Impending Mass Firing of America’s Unvaccinated – In the midst of an existing shortage of workers and a labor force participation rate that has come close to recovering from the government-imposed recession, there is soon to be another major problem hit the economy: the pending firing of large numbers of people who refuse to get vaccinated or for whom employers refuse to provide any exemptions.
The massive hit to employment is likely to hit police, firefighters, doctors, and nurses particularly hard. The resulting, fully expected consequence will be deterioration in public services.
Keep in mind this is the direct result of an intentional policy of the federal government and many state governments.
The deadline for Los Angeles city employees to vaccinate was yesterday, 10/19/20. About one fourth of LA fire staff have given the city notice they will sue if terminated for being unvaccinated.
There are already shortages of nurses and hospital workers in New York state.
One hospital in New York had to close their delivery room. How do you delay delivery of babies? Article says the largest hospital chain in New York fired 1,400 unvaccinated employees and Kaiser has already put 2,200 employees on unpaid leave.
The city of Beverly Hills categorically denied all requests for religious exemption from vaccination for their firefighters.
The fire department in San Francisco rejected every one of the 800 requests for a medical or religious exemption. Complete rejection of all requests.
In the San Francisco Police Department there were 500 officers unvaccinated two months ago. The department granted 150 religious exemptions and then revoked every one of them.
Deadline for federal workers to get vaccinated or get fired is 11/22/21. Yeah, that is three days before Thanksgiving. Oh, keep in mind that 40% of the TSA workers have not yet been vaccinated. Another airline (don’t recall which one and don’t want to check for a link), set their get-vaccinated-or-get-fired date as the day before Thanksgiving. Air travel during the Thanksgiving holiday could be a disaster, the likes of which we have never seen before.
Article only touches on issues in the US military. Other articles report there are huge number of troops resisting vaccination. We are looking at a disaster in military staffing soon.
It is not just public services. The private sector has a looming disaster.
The Last Refuge – 10/19/21 – 9 In 10 Large Employers Concerned They Will Lose Employees Over Vaccine Mandate – Survey by an outfit called The Society for Human Resource Management shows that nine out of 10 large employers are concerned they are going to lose staff because of the pending federal diktat that any company with over 100 employees must force all employees to be vaccinated or be tested weekly. (Keep in mind there are no rules actually published yet but many large companies are moving forward with implementation of the dictat.)
Responses indicate companies are worried that staff will leave for competitors that have less than 100 employees.
Two thirds of the employers say they can’t afford to pay for weekly testing of anyone who takes the testing option The cost would be too high, they perceive.
Author wonders how long it will take for a parallel economy to emerge.