Of the six players in the fiasco of KPMG getting leaked inspection lists from PCAOB, one is in prison, two have been sentenced and await their reporting date, while three are scheduled for sentencing.
Back on 10/16/19 Cynthia Holder was listed at Bureau of Prisons inmate locator as register 35321-479. She was in custody at Bryan FPC, with unknown listed as release date. Bryan is a minimum security federal prison camp located in Bryan, Texas. Her required reporting date was 10/15/19.
On 11/20/19 Cynthia Holder is listed with a 6/13/20 release date per Bureau of Prisons website.
As of 11/20/19, neither Jeffrey Wada nor David Middendorf have a listing with the Bureau of Prisons. Sentences were nine months and one year plus one day, respectively.
Scheduled sentencing date, based on latest info I have seen:
- 12/20/19 – Thomas Whittle
1012/20/19 – Brian Sweet- 5/8/20 – David Britt
Should Brian Sweet’s date be 12/20?
Hi Mike:
Arg. Gotta’ have a chat with my editor.
Seriously, thanks for pointing that out. Fixed.