Eighth and final report in a series.
I passed my fourth peer review.
Today I received notice that the Peer Review Committee accepted my report on January 10, 2013. That means I can talk about the report.
The levels of reports are now called pass, pass with deficiency, and fail. I am quite pleased to announce my report was a pass rating.
I think I’m allowed to say I did not receive any Memorandum for Further Consideration (medium-level seriousness issue that does not generate a pass with deficiency rating) or Finding for Further Consideration (used for very minor level issues).
So here’s the timing at the end – – field work on November 8, report submitted to technical review on November 10, and report approved on January 10. That’s two months for the report to make its way through technical review and the Report Acceptance Body.
The deadline for this report to be submitted to the Peer Review Committee was November 30, 2012. My next report is due in three years, by November 30, 2015.
My previous reviews were in 2003, 2006, and 2009.