Initial follow-up to Panama Papers leak

Previously mentioned the massive leak of data about offshore banking that hit headlines this past Sunday. This is now called either the Panama Papers or Panama leak, take your pick. Here are a few of the initial articles on the follow-up that I found interesting.
There are more and deeper issues than just tax evasion. By the way, the term we should be discussing is tax evasion, not tax avoidance. Avoidance means complying with the tax law in order to lawfully reduce your tax bill. Evasion means breaking the law.
Simple introduction to offshore banking
4/4 – Vox – The Panama Papers leak, explained with an adorable comic about piggy banks – Simple cartoon gives a great illustration of a little boy hiding some quarters from his mommy in a piggy bank stored in his little friend’s closet. Lots of other little boys to the same. Eventually the friend’s mommy finds all the piggy banks and calls all the moms.
Some of the little boys may just have wanted to hide a few extra quarters from mommy because they wanted some privacy. Others may have been stealing lunch money from their schoolmates and don’t want mommy to know. Some may have been stealing from mommy’s purse. Yet others may have been wanting to save up a couple of dollars to buy an actual surprise birthday present for mommy and daddy. Some have gotten tired of their siblings sneaking into their piggy bank.
First casualty
4/5 – The Guardian – Iceland prime minister resigns over Panama Papers revelations – Watch how fast things have developed.
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