Jim Ulvog

Expanded disclosures for loans and allowance for credit loss – ASU 10-20

Disclosures for financed receivables (i.e. loans) and the allowance for losses will be dramatically expanded by Accounting Standards Update 2010-20, Receivables (Topic 310) – Disclosures about the Credit Quality of Financing Receivables and the Allowance for Credit Losses.  …

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Increased fair value disclosures – ASU 10-06

Fair value disclosures will increase for December 2010 financial statements.  Accounting Standards Update 2010-06, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures (Topic 820) will require a few new items.  The two main items I see for small and medium-sized NPOs are first, disclosing transfers in & out of Level 1 & 2, and second, disaggregation of fair value disclosures. …

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The recession officially ended in June 2009

The people who make the official call for the start and end point of recessions, which is the National Bureau of Economic Research, announced on September 20 that the recession officially hit bottom in June 2009.  We need to look at what that actually means.  The bottom point of the economic cycle is considered the end of a recession.  The Bureau calculated the low point, or the trough, was in June last year.  Since then the economy has been recovering, although slowly. …

The recession officially ended in June 2009 Read More »

Dangers of social media

People are using social media to do simple checks on people they are involved with.  Examples?  Employers obviously, but that is old news.  Recently I have read articles mentioning that potential roommates, first dates, parents hiring babysitters, and college admission officers are also using social media to scope out people.

How?  The easiest way is to look at FaceBook and then Google or Bing the person’s name. …

Dangers of social media Read More »

Data on unemployment & GDP changes available on-line

If you are so interested, lots of economic data is available from the federal government on-line.  Two items of interest to me are unemployment data and GDP changes.  Those are fairly major pieces of the economic picture.

Unemployment data:  Alternative measures of labor utilization – table A-15 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Of particular interest are U-3 and U-6. The most quoted information is the U-3 measure, which is a calculation of unemployed people as percent of the civilian labor force.  This is the official number you hear about. The broader data is the U-6 measure. That is based on the total number unemployed plus people only able to work part-time, plus people who want to work but have dropped out of the market.  Or at least that is my casual interpretation of the data.

Changes in GDP:  Percent change from preceding period in real Gross Domestic Product – table 1.1.1 from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. 

There are several frequently requested tables from the BEA.


Data on unemployment & GDP changes available on-line Read More »

The internet is permanent–nothing there is private

The internet, social media, and electronic mail are wonderful.  Those tools let us do incredible things that were beyond imagination 15 years ago.

There is danger in the midst of these wonders.  Things you say can travel far.  When it becomes electronic, those things you say can live forever.  …

The internet is permanent–nothing there is private Read More »

Test for ethical behavior – what will this look like on the front page of the newspaper?

Update: Superb illustration of the concept here.

You have probably heard this story before, but I will mention it again.  When you are pondering how to handle a situation, think about how it would look on the front page of the newspaper.  Do you want to see this policy, decision, or personnel action on the front page of the Wall Street Journal®?  How about the lead article in the local section of the Los Angeles Times®? The front page of your local paper?  …

Test for ethical behavior – what will this look like on the front page of the newspaper? Read More »

Will SAS #115 increase or decrease Significant Deficiency comments?

Here is a question for thought:  Do you think the change from a bright line definition of significant deficiency in SAS 112 (greater than remote chance of more than inconsequential error, etc.) to a very loose definition in SAS 115 (something the auditor believes should be brought to the attention of those charged with governance) will increase or decrease the number of significant deficiency comments? 

To frame up the discussion, I am thinking about the smaller entities, perhaps from $1 to $15 million of revenue in the non-profit community.

My thought process is that by calling something a “significant deficiency” and putting it in the same letter as the comments on material weaknesses we are clearly saying this is a ‘biggie’.  Don’t have any technical words now to describe that categorization like we did before, but we are obviously calling a lot of attention to the issue.  We still have the letter of recommendation as a tool to communicate suggestions, ideas, opportunities to improve internal control, or scold management for those pesky technical things we always comment on (you know, document every credit card purchase, list the who and why for all meal purchases, please get the fixed asset detail to tie to the general ledger). From my perspective, I think there are probably more items that will drop from the SD list to the LOR than move up from the LOR to the SD letter.  Possibly will be some SD comments that don’t need to be mentioned.  There are a lot of comments we auditors give to our clients that really should be fixed, but don’t seem to be serious enough to frame them up as a ‘biggie’.

One of the major CPA firms working in the non-profit community thinks the volume of comments will go up.  Another person in that school of thought was the presenter at a class I attended a while back.  His perspective, coming from running a very large volume of yellow book audits in his firm, is the volume of SD comments will increase.  If I recall correctly, his line of reasoning is if there is something that the auditor firmly believes in and is worth putting in writing, and then the issue probably should be brought to the attention of the board and thus is an SD. 

Had a fun visit with a colleague at another firm recently.  His thoughts are that the volume will increase.  I will rephrase his comments to reflect my expanded perspective of the issue.  So, this is partly my description, not completely his.  Since we as auditors are now freed of the bright line definition, we can reposition the comments as helpful ideas instead of problems at the mid-level of severity.  Instead of being a ‘problem’ to be fixed, the SD comments can now be phrased as something that we (the auditors) really thing you (the board or those charged with governance) should think about and work on.  How does this work for a characterization:  the SD letter become more of a structured ‘lets talk’ framework instead of ‘fix this problem’ notification.

One more idea – – since the definition is much more subjective, do you think there will be serious push-back from management during single audits?  Seems to me there will be massive push-back to prevent something that is only an opinion (without support of a bright line) from going to the federal agencies in writing.

So, those are my thoughts.  Perhaps this blog is too young for a conversation to begin. However, if you wish to comment, I would welcome the conversation.  Remember this is an evolving idea. Since it will take a few years to develop a wide consensus for the impact of the new definition, all opinions expressed here (including mine!) are subject to change and revision when we feel like it!

Will SAS #115 increase or decrease Significant Deficiency comments? Read More »

Merger and acquisition accounting

New accounting rules for mergers and acquisitions of nonprofit organizations are now in effect.  In the past, when two nonprofit organizations came together, the accounting was essentially to combine the accounting information of the two entities.  This is no longer allowed.

Under the new rules, there are mergers and acquisitions. The accounting for each is quite different. …

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Type I and Type II are no more

Type I and Type II subsequent events don’t exist anymore.  The two types of subsequent events are now called ‘recognized’ and ‘non-recognized’ by FASB statement 165, now located at ASC 855-10-50-1.  The terms we grew up with have disappeared.  I’m still trying to work that into my audit memorandums.  May take me a while for that to become second nature.

Here is the original FAS 165, but remember it has been superseded. Go to the codification web site to read the authoritative ASC. (If you haven’t been there before, you have to register to use the site.)

Type I and Type II are no more Read More »

Disclose date of subsequent events evaluation

Don’t forget that FASB statement 165, now located at ASC 855-10-50-1, requires disclosure of the date that the organization has evaluated whether there are any subsequent events that need to be reflected in the financial statements.  That date needs to be described as either the issue date or date the financials were available to be issued.  Unless you are working in the public company arena, I think you will find that ‘available to be issued’ is the norm.

You can read the original FAS 165 here, but remember it has been superseded. Need to register at the FASB web site to read the ASC.

Disclose date of subsequent events evaluation Read More »

Delay in effective date for all of the rewritten, clarified auditing standards

The Auditing Standards Board is in the process of rewriting all of the Statements on Auditing Standards. They are using a new format for all the clarified and redrafted statements.  The effective date was previously scheduled for periods ending on or after December 15, 2010.  The ASB has moved the effective date back to periods ending on or after December 15, 2012. …

Delay in effective date for all of the rewritten, clarified auditing standards Read More »