Social media

Jump in, the (blogging) water’s fine!

What keeps knowledge workers from blogging? What will you ever say is one of the concerns that holds people back.

If you keep your eyes open, you’ll be amazed how many ideas come to mind. Also, here’s some ideas on getting started. Think about starting a practice blog.

Consider a change in focus:

I view my life through the lens of a blog post. I am constantly aware of ideas that interest me and consider how the experiences of my day could be turned into a story.

Jump in, the (blogging) water’s fine! Read More »

What do you do if your cloud-based mission critical application is down for an indefinite time? Illustration from a reader for RSS feeds.

(Cross-post from my other blog, Nonprofit Update.)

Update: The Old Reader back up at end of work day Thursday – that makes 1 1/2 days of the weekend and 4 workdays it was down.

Your tech provider may go off-line for an indefinite time. Another reason not to let your technology hold you captive.

The Old Reader went down around lunchtime on Saturday, 7-20, and isn’t back up just before lunch on Wednesday, 7-24. That’s four days – most of the weekend and one-half of a work-week. No public estimate when it will return.

Don’t be held captive by your technology.

What do you do if your cloud-based mission critical application is down for an indefinite time? Illustration from a reader for RSS feeds. Read More »

Before you think about suing a blogger…

….you might want to read this:

Libel in the Blogosphere: Some Preliminary Thoughts by Glenn Reynolds. It’s a free download. Only 14 pages long.

(Cross-posted from my other blog, Nonprofit Update.)

Although the paper was written in 2006, it is remarkably current.

Full disclosure time. Yes, I have a biased and vested interest in the idea of not suing bloggers. Take my comment with whatever size grain of salt you wish.

The biggest issue to consider is the pushback you may receive from the rest of the blogosphere if you even threaten a blogger.

A few minor points are that most bloggers don’t have enough of a deep pocket to make litigation worthwhile and you can probably get a near instantaneous correction with a polite request.

Back to the major issue.

Before you think about suing a blogger… Read More »

Don’t quite understand those LinkedIn endorsements?

They haven’t quite made sense to me. Probably because of a complete lack of previous effort on my part.

Well, David Albrecht has a post that opens the door. Check out LinkedIn Endorsements and Accountants. He gives some background on the endorsement feature at LinkedIn. He thinks it is a good thing in terms of providing a basic level validation of your skill sets.

His comment: …

Don’t quite understand those LinkedIn endorsements? Read More »

An illustration why you should gain control over your name on the ‘net, both through buying domain names and reserving your name at social media sights

(Cross-post from my other blog, Nonprofit Update.)

Check out the web address The address goes to a blog.

You would think it is related to the senator from California, right?

Not so fast.

An illustration why you should gain control over your name on the ‘net, both through buying domain names and reserving your name at social media sights Read More »

Manage the risks of your technology

The tools available today are incredibly amazing and powerful.  You can do astounding things.

I can publish several blogs at minimal out-of-pocket cost which are available world-wide. Very cool.

There are dangers, but that’s okay. We need to know the risks and then manage them.

I have two posts at my other blog, Nonprofit Update, that discuss some dangers and how to minimize them.

They are:

Manage the risks of your technology Read More »

As you use social media, remember anything you post in private could be revealed one day

On my other blog, Nonprofit Update, I have a post discussing an article in the Wall Street Journal about two college students who had some intimate private details of their lives revealed to the world when they didn’t want that to happen.

We all need to remember that private information may not stay private. Use social media accordingly.

We don’t need to avoid social media or be frightened. We do need to be careful.

See: Always remember that anything you post in social media could one day be revealed to the world


As you use social media, remember anything you post in private could be revealed one day Read More »

What’s the ROI on social media? Perhaps a better question is what’s the ROI on bankrupt?

That’s the question Mark Schaefer asks in his post, It’s not just ROI. It’s RELEVANCE!

Do you use a Rand McNally map to get anywhere? Not likely. Smart phones, GPS, and mobile apps have left the long-time map maker in the dust.

Likewise Kodak. That venerable company is now being sold for parts because they didn’t see any value in digital pictures.

Don’t ask what the ROI is on social media. It’s the wrong question.

What’s the ROI on social media? Perhaps a better question is what’s the ROI on bankrupt? Read More »

The price of free apps is not zero

(cross-post from my other blog, Nonprofit Update.)

You may not hand over money for that cool app, but you might pay in other ways.

Like handing over personal information.  Or perhaps the personal information of your friends.

An article in the Wall Street Journal, Selling You on Facebook, reports on their research into the data obtained by a variety of Facebook apps. Many apps look for personal information, sometimes including your political or religious beliefs.

The price of free apps is not zero Read More »

Three skills for living in a social media world

There will be three career fields in huge demand in the social media world. That is the idea Mark Schaefer presents in his blog, {grow}.

I discuss his post and my thoughts in my post Three Skills for Living in a Social Media World at my other blog, Outrun Change.

At an individual level, I think these three careers point to skills each of us need to develop if we wish to function in a world dominated by social media.  The career fields and individual skills are: …

Three skills for living in a social media world Read More »

Hire grown-ups and you don’t need a Facebook policy

Jay Shepherd has a great fantasy dialogue about corporate policies.  On one hand we have a company boss that announces the company doesn’t have and never will have a Facebook policy.  On the other hand, we have a worker bee who’s a little slow on the uptake:  A Facebook policy for grown-ups.

Why no policy? The company hired grown-ups and expects them to act like grown-ups.

Hire grown-ups and you don’t need a Facebook policy Read More »

A twitter policy short enough to tweet

Jay Shepherd, an employment law attorney who blogs at Jayshep, has a great policy for twitter that is 140 characters long:

Our Twitter policy: Be professional, kind, discreet, authentic. Represent us well. Remember that you cannot control it once you hit “Tweet.”

140 characters.  Does a better job than a 280 word policy.

In his post, A twitterable Twitter policy (updated), he gives permission to use the policy as your own:

A twitter policy short enough to tweet Read More »