A few more updates in the ongoing world-wide banking fiascos

Image courtesy of Adobe Stock.
Image courtesy of Adobe Stock.

A few recent reports: Reason for no criminal prosecution of one too-big-to-fail bank is that it was TBTF, an indictment and a settlement in forex cases, and progress in the money laundering investigations.

Since I use the term a lot, here is a definition of fiasco from Google:

a thing that is a complete failure, especially in a ludicrous or humiliating way. Synonyms: failure, disaster, catastrophe, debacle, shambles, farce, mess, wreck.

Seems to me throwing away $530 million of bank capital because bank staff and leaders wanted to cheat customers meets the definition of fiasco.

7/11 – Francine McKenna at Market Watch – HSBC wasn’t prosecuted because it was ‘too big to fail’: House Committee – A House committee concluded that HSBC wasn’t prosecuted for willful AML violations because it was TBTF. One part of the violations was intentionally leaving out of wire instructions any indication that the funds were related to activity in countries with bans.

Staff recommendations were to pursue a criminal prosecution. Attorney General Eric Holder determined the systemic risk was too high and thus agreed to a deferred prosecution agreement.

A few more updates in the ongoing world-wide banking fiascos Read More »

Perhaps reporting under GAAP is not reporting the numbers investors need

Image courtesy DollarPhotoClub
Image courtesy DollarPhotoClub

Consider this idea: perhaps GAAP-based accounting numbers aren’t giving stock investors all the information they need.

What is wrong with this picture?

In April, Netflix announced their earnings fell short of analysts’ expectations. Usually that would drop the stock price. What happened?

Nexflix stock jumped 18%.


What could cause that? The market supposedly has incorporated the consensus into the price. Missing the expectation should drop the price.

Consider this: At the same time, Netflix announced their new-subscribers were 4.9 million instead of the expectation of 4.0M.

That means they will have stronger earnings for the next several quarters than was expected the day before the announcement. Thus, the stock price rose.

Investors looked at the new subscriber tally as a better indicator of future earnings and thus future stock price than this quarter’s GAAP net income. New subscribers is more important than EPS.

If you wonder are wondering why GAAP EPS isn’t the driving force in that story, here is a brain stretcher for you:

“The End of Accounting”

Professors Baruch Lev and Feng Gu point to The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers in their June 21 Wall Street Journal article.

You can find the book at Amazon here. It is a bit steep, $32 in hardback and $26 in Kindle format, which is really high for an e-book. I already have a copy on my e-reader. Started reading it yesterday.

The professors suggest that reported earnings under GAAP are losing relevance for investors as we move further and further away from an industrial economy. When know-how, processes, patents, using the internet, and other intangibles are the source of income, GAAP doesn’t report useful information for figuring out future earnings.

By the way, keep in mind that providing historical information to readers of the financial statements to allow them to make estimates of future earnings and cash flows of the company is, like, sorta’, kinda’, the purpose of GAAP financial statements.

The problem with GAAP

Some drawbacks in looking at GAAP numbers, according to the professors:

Perhaps reporting under GAAP is not reporting the numbers investors need Read More »

Two deadlines to keep in mind if your peer review didn’t go well

Image courtesy of DollarPhotoClub.com
Image courtesy of DollarPhotoClub.com

If your peer review resulted in anything other than a pass report there are a couple of deadlines you need to remember if you are in California.

Keep in mind you are responsible for your compliance with regulations. Here are a few tips to point you in the right direction. These comments discuss the regs in California. If you are in another state, you really ought to check out what your board of accountancy has to say. I’ll guess there is some comparable reporting requirement when a peer review does not turn out well.

Notification requirement for reports less than pass — 45 days

If you received either a pass with deficiency or a fail report, you need to be in touch with the California Board of Accountancy (CBA).

Two deadlines to keep in mind if your peer review didn’t go well Read More »

If you have been blowing off Peer Review, you really ought to get with the program.

Image courtesy of DollarPhotoClub.com
Image courtesy of DollarPhotoClub.com

Seriously, if you are providing audit, review, or compilation services to your clients, you really need to be in the peer review program. And you really, really need to be doing fairly good work. I doubt any CPAs in California who desperately need to read this post will be doing so, but it is still worth mentioning.

The California Board of Accountancy is coming down hard on CPAs who have avoided the peer review program. Seriously missing the boat on audit quality is getting hammered as well.

Quarterly newsletter

The Spring/Summer 2016 edition of the quarterly Update newsletter from CBA, issue 81, has several reports of firms drawing serious sanctions. There are 21 pages of narrative describing the sanctions through April 24, 2016. Of 28 disciplinary issues, 7 deal with peer review, which are the ones I will highlight.

If you have been blowing off Peer Review, you really ought to get with the program. Read More »

Negative mindsets to avoid as an entrepreneur or local audit firm partner

Entrepreneur magazine tells us to Stop These 8 Negative Mindsets That Make Entrepreneurs Miserable. The article is focused on entrepreneurs and the ideas apply to every sole practitioner, even partners in small firms.

Actually, these warnings apply to everyone who is looking at flower petals instead of flower roots.

Here are some highlights of the points, along with my comments. (If you aren’t an entrepreneur or partner in a small CPA firm, focus on the numbered points and translate my comments to your situation.)

1 Seeking the approval of others

Hey, you’re running a small firm because you want to. It is astoundingly fun. You don’t need anyone else’s approval. You approve of yourself.

Negative mindsets to avoid as an entrepreneur or local audit firm partner Read More »

Guess on the value of all loot taken by Alexander the Great

Tetradrachm from Alexander the Great. Image courtesy Adobe Stock.
Tetradrachm from Alexander the Great. Image courtesy Adobe Stock.

My discussion continues of how much wealth Alexander the Great looted while on his rampage around the world. These calculations are based on two books I’ve really enjoyed:

Loot from Persia

Prof Holt provides a couple of ancient estimates of the total haul in Persia. Here is a recap:

  • ?? Babylon
  • 50k talents – Susa
  • 120k – Persepolis
  • 6k – Pasargadae
  • 26k – Ecbatana

That gives a point estimate of 202k talents. Back out some poetic license exaggeration and add an amount at Babylon about equal to Susa (author’s estimate) gives me an estimate of about 225k talents, give or take. That is only the precious metals without art, statuary, spices, clothes, pottery, or gold inlaid stuff.

In addition, Darius fled with maybe 8,000 talents, Alexander paid bonuses of around 12,000 talents to his soldiers, with another 2,000 talents to Thessalain soldiers. There was enough stray coins found a century later to mint 4,000 talents of coins. That is around another 26,000 talents or so of additional bullion. Add in the unquantifiable amount soldiers looted and all the non-bullion treasures means there was an incalculable amount of wealth looted from the Persian empire.

I’ll work with 202K point estimate, plus 50K from Babylon, less 25K for poetic license, plus 26K sundry disposition. That gets to a point estimate of 253K, with my very wild guess of a margin of error of minus 50K to plus 100K.  Let’s work with a 250,000 Talent estimate. That means I’ll roughly estimate Alexander looted 250,000 talents of silver-equivalent from Persia.

Total haul during Alexander’s extended raid around the world

The total haul from looting is estimated by the Prof. Holt as 69( X) + 216,820 talents, where X is an unknown amount from one raid or battle. The total is unknown and unknowable.

Shortly after that estimate the author adds in tribute from conquered areas that were not looted in return for payments and loyalty.

Total proceeds from the wars is then estimated in a formula expressed as 81.67( X) +311,761.

Guess on the value of all loot taken by Alexander the Great Read More »

The overwhelming change you feel today is going to increase. Engage the change.

Image courtesy of DollarPhotoClub.com before they closed their doors.
Image courtesy of DollarPhotoClub.com before they closed their doors.

The massive volumes of change you see surrounding you everywhere you look isn’t going to stop. In fact the pace of change is going to increase.

Each of us have a choice. Either figure out how to cope with and embrace the change or ignore it.

The cost of ignoring massive change is that you and your organization will get left behind. That doesn’t just mean you will be a laggard as you continue doing next month what you did last year. Instead that means your organization will radically shrink and before you know it, will disappear.

The downsides are serious. There is an upside and it is exciting.

Four articles I’ve seen lately focus the mind. While these articles are written in either the accounting or church context, they also fully apply in the church and accounting context. They also apply to every individual and organization.

This article will be posted across all my blogs because it applies to all of them.

7/7 – Bill Sheridan at LinkedIn – Embrace change or resist it: Only one option is viable.

The odds are really high that tax preparation will be completely automated in the next two decades. Estimated odds are almost as high that both accounting and auditing will be fully automated.

Consider my business and my core tasks of auditing charities. There is a real possibility those types of audits could be heavily automated in 10 or 15 or 20 years. I am not old enough to bank on retiring before that massive change starts eating away the entire audit profession.

Automation will take over an increasing number of tasks. The world of tax, accounting, and audit will be affected. Mr. Sheridan explains the shelf life of education and experience we have is shrinking.

As the Maryland Association of CPAs routinely points out our learning needs to be greater than the rate of change; L>C is their formula.

The overwhelming change you feel today is going to increase. Engage the change. Read More »

A few convictions of traders. Several walk.

Photo courtesy of Adobe Stock
Photo courtesy of Adobe Stock

An ongoing challenge for law enforcement in pursuing charges against bankers is actually getting convictions at trial. Even manipulating Libor is a tough sell to juries.

For those who wanted to see bunches of bankers in prison stripes, keep in mind there is that hurdle of persuading a jury a crime was committed. It may be difficult, but is possible to do.

7/4 – Bloomberg – Guilty Ex-Barclays Trio Ends Another Libor Chapter for London – …

A few convictions of traders. Several walk. Read More »

Update on Panama Papers – 6/27

Image courtesy of DollarPhotoClub.com
Image courtesy of DollarPhotoClub.com

Here are a few recent articles on the Panama Papers leak. Doesn’t seem to be a lot of new developments since my last post three weeks ago.

6/5 – New York Times – Panama Papers Show How Rich United States Clients Hid Millions Abroad – The NYT has finally gained access to the Panama Papers.

In their research they have only found 2,400 Americans who ran money through companies set up by Mossack Fonseca, none of them high-profile, and apparently none of them from the political world.

Article tells the tale visible from correspondence for a few people who had already built a private fortune and then decided to park money overseas.

The basic asset protection shell structure includes two entities: a for-profit into which money is moved from the US, and a Panamanian based foundation which receives a contribution from the first shell, thus protecting the money from litigation, taxation, or disclosure.

Update on Panama Papers – 6/27 Read More »

An indication of Persian wealth from the book of Esther

Drawing of Persian daric gold coin. Alexander would have looted tons of these. Image courtesy of Adobe stock.
Drawing of Persian daric gold coin. Alexander would have looted tons of these. Image courtesy of Adobe stock.

The number two man in the Persian Empire offered a bribe of 10,000 talents to the king in return for permission to kill off all the Jews living under the authority of the king. Today’s question: what would the amount of that bribe be worth in today’s money?

The Old Testament book of Esther tells the story of Haman plotting to kill all the Jews living in the Persian Empire.  Esther then told King Xerxes about the plot. The King executed Haman and allowed the Jews to defend themselves from those planning to exterminate them. The Jews survived. Those who expected to slaughter them did not. That is the short version. For the full details, check out the book of Esther.

Hers is a wonderful story of realizing God put you in a place to do a job that only you can do. So many other delightful and encouraging aspects of the story. If you haven’t looked at it lately, check it out.

There is one particular verse in the story which overlaps my discussion of Alexander the Great looting the Persian Empire. …

An indication of Persian wealth from the book of Esther Read More »

CPAs approve merger of AICPA and CIMA, creating another AICPA

Image courtesy of DollarPhotoClub.com
Image courtesy of DollarPhotoClub.com

My fellow CPAs who are members of the AICPA voted overwhelmingly to approve the operating agreement or joint venture or merger (however you choose to describe the combination of operations) between the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), producing a new Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA).

CPAs approve merger of AICPA and CIMA, creating another AICPA Read More »

Alexander the Great’s biggest hauls when looting cities

Drawing of Persian daric gold coin. Alexander would have looted tons of these. Image courtesy of Adobe stock.
Drawing of Persian daric gold coin. Alexander would have looted tons of these (literally tons). Image courtesy of Adobe stock.

After developing a few points of reference for comparing ancient finances to now, I can get back to pondering the value of loot Alexander the Great stole while on his military rampage, I mean campaign.

Following estimates of how much loot Alexander the Great hauled away is from Professor Frank Holt’s book The Treasures of Alexander the Great: How One Man’s Wealth Shaped the World which I previously mentioned. (Can you tell I enjoyed his book?)

I will revise my previous calculation of Alexander’s haul from Susa and then develop a point estimate for the value of proceeds from his biggest sacking.

Approximate value of the haul from looting Susa, the capital of Persia

The loot from Susa is described by Prof. Holt, and converted to a current value, as follows:

  • 40,000 Talents of uncoined bullion, or raw silver
  • 10,000 Talents of gold coins, which I will assume is expressed as the equivalent in silver
  • 50,000 Talents – haul at Susa, estimated by Prof. Holt
  • 400 years wages per talent, for a skilled laborer, adjusted for Great Enrichment at a factor of 40; could be as high as 80 or even 100
  • 20,000,000 years wages
  • 200,000 centuries of wages for an average worker
  • $70,000 – average annual compensation package for a skilled construction worker today, calculated here
  • $1,400,000,000,000 – really rough approximation of current wages today for skilled construction workers which would be vaguely comparable to loot hauled off from Susa
  • $1.4 trillion – point estimate

Alexander the Great’s biggest hauls when looting cities Read More »

Total wealth held by American households as reference point for ancient finances

There is a lot of wealth visible in all those homes. Photo courtesy of Adobe Stock.
There is a lot of wealth visible in all those homes. Photo courtesy of Adobe Stock.

Here is another point of reference I’ll use for my discussion of ancient finances. The Wall Street Journal reported on 6/7/16:  Americans’ Total Wealth Hits Record, According to Federal Reserve Report.

Want to add this additional frame of reference before getting back to looking at Alexander’s haul as he looted various Persian cities.

The Fed released an estimate of the total wealth of all Americans for the first quarter 2016, which includes individuals and nonprofits.

Total wealth held by American households as reference point for ancient finances Read More »

Today is last day to vote no on the proposed merger to create another AICPA that will dilute the CPA brand

 Image courtesy of DollarPhotoClub.com
Image courtesy of DollarPhotoClub.com

Today, the 16th, is the last day for voting on the proposal of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountant (AICPA with CPA) to merge with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) to create a new Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA with professional instead of pubic) that will promote the interests of CPAs and management accountants.

Yes, this would produce two AICPAs, with operations of the AICPA, the AICPA, and the CIMA all being conducted out of the AICPA office in North Carolina.

My worry is this will dilute the effort of the current AICPA to pay attention to the world of CPAs.

My previous posts:

There is still time to vote no, in order to prevent dilution of the CPA brand. Find that old email and cast your vote today.

Today is last day to vote no on the proposed merger to create another AICPA that will dilute the CPA brand Read More »

Stock market capitalization as reference point for ancient finances

Street sign for Wall Street and Broad Street, the heart of the Financial District of New York City. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock.
Street sign for Wall Street and Broad Street, the heart of the Financial District of New York City. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock.

I am building some reference points for my ongoing learning about ancient finances. (If you couldn’t tell, I’m have a lot of fun. This learnin’ thing is cool.)

Here is the value of all the stock listed on the market in the G-20 economies. This is the total capitalization of the companies in those countries.

Data is from this site. A lot of other sources could be used and other years might give different results. The accuracy of the valuation of Alexander’s loot is only accurate to one or two significant digits. The needed estimates and assumptions will leave any comparisons accurate to only one significant digit. Actually, by the time my calculations are finished, the amounts will probably be accurate to maybe overestimating 20% or perhaps underestimating by 100% or 200%.

Thus, more precision in the market capitalizations is irrelevant.

Amounts are in US dollars and are for 2012: …

Stock market capitalization as reference point for ancient finances Read More »