Explanation of differences between audits, reviews, and compilations
On my other blog, Nonprofit Update, I have an explanation of the differences between the 3 levels of services we provide as CPAs.
There won’t be anything new in the post for CPAs. It might give some good information to your clients though.
If it is helpful to explain to your clients the different levels of service, you could refer them to that page, or you could link to the page. I don’t give permission to copy the post. You can refer your clients or potential clients to it, if doing so improves your client’s understanding.
The post in long in terms of the norms for the blogging world and short in term of giving a full explanation of the level of services. I hope it will be helpful for our clients.
Check out: Level of Services Provided by a CPA – The Differences Between Compilations, Reviews, and Audits
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