New blog:

Why am I starting a new blog, Outrun Change? You can find it at (new name and address listed after I moved the blog.)

The amount of change taking place today is staggering.  The rate of change is going to increase.  That change is making our knowledge and skills obsolete.  We need to be learning and growing to keep up with the amount of radical change taking place around us.  We need to learn fast enough to outrun change.

At the Christian Leadership Conference in April 2011, Dr. Richard Swenson said that there will be 1,000 times more change in the next century than in the 20th century.  He also said there was more change in the 20th century than the previous 5,000 years.  That is staggering.

My focus in the new blog will be on: …

New blog: Read More »

Still wondering if Social Media is a big deal? Want to be in business 5 years from now?

Most sobering thought from the video:

  • The ROI of social media is your business will still exist in 5 years

Some stats on social media from Erik Qualman at Social Media Revolution 2011:


A few other highlights that caught my eye:

Still wondering if Social Media is a big deal? Want to be in business 5 years from now? Read More »

Is it possible we are not heading into a double dip recession?

(cross-post from my other blog, Nonprofit Update)

While out for a walk yesterday morning, I noticed construction at the strip shopping center near my home. Wood frame in just about done.

New construction?  In this economy?  That isn’t supposed to be happening, right?

Is it possible we are not heading into a double dip recession? Read More »

Where to start on a social media policy? Simple starting ideas.

You and your staff are using social media.  That’s not going to change.

If you haven’t done so, it might be wise to offer some guidance on how to use all the great tools that are available.

A good place to start is a short discussion in the CalCPA September 2011 article on using social media for recruiting. …

Where to start on a social media policy? Simple starting ideas. Read More »

Getting naked – Not what you think. It’s a book. Wait. Still not what you think. It’s about transparency in business relationships.

Subtitle of the book is A business fable… about shedding the three fears that sabotage client loyalty.  It’s a book by Patrick Lencioni which you can find here.  As with his other books, it is an entertaining fictional story that illustrates the points instead of making them directly.

Primary focus of the book is business consultants.  It applies to directly to anyone in business working with external clients.  It can also apply to many people in the ministry world.

He suggests there are three fears that get in the way of loyalty from your clients.  These fears tear down transparency and openness.  Getting past those fears in order to improve transparency is the way this book can help anyone in business or ministry. …

Getting naked – Not what you think. It’s a book. Wait. Still not what you think. It’s about transparency in business relationships. Read More »

Filling up a bucket – word picture for levels of assurance in audit, review, and compilation


In a webcast on August 31, 2011, Mr. Michael Glynn, CPA, of the AICPA staff, gave a wonderful word picture of the levels of assurance in a review and audit.  Here’s his idea:  Filling up a bucket with procedures produces different levels of assurance.  I would like to expand Mr. Glynn’s description and provide an illustration.

  • In an audit, the accountant provides obtain reasonable assurance that there are no material errors in the financial statements.
  • In a review, the accountant provides obtain limited assurance that there are no material errors in the financial statements.
  • In a compilation,the accountant does not provide obtain any assurance that there are no material errors in the financial statements.

Notice the similarity and difference?  The overlap between these definitions is how much assurance the accountant provides obtains that there are no material errors in the financial statements.

The differences? …

Filling up a bucket – word picture for levels of assurance in audit, review, and compilation Read More »

Scam watch – you don’t have to pay someone $370 to help renew your fictitious business name

(cross-post from my other blog – Nonprofit Update)

If you want to conduct your ministry or business using anything other than your legal name, you have to get a fictitious business name.  This is also called a DBA, or “doing business as” name.

Let’s say you are on staff at Southside Community Church and are starting a major summer program as an outreach to the community.  This would be a big, ongoing project. If you’re going to be collecting money and trying to reach out beyond your local congregation, you just might decide to run the program under the name Southside Summer Swim.  If that is the case, you need to file for a fictitious business name with the county clerk’s office.

Scam watch – you don’t have to pay someone $370 to help renew your fictitious business name Read More »