Find out what licenses you need to start a business

(cross-post from my other blog, Nonprofit Update.)

The regulatory load to start a new business is huge.  You can not miss any of the requirements at risk of serious penalties.

I found a site that CPAs could refer clients so they can do some research on their own.  Or you can get the report to help your client.

License123 is a web service that might save you time researching the licensing and permits you need to start something new.

You specify a state, county, industry, and specific business type.

Then the site gives you a list of the licenses and permits needed. For $9.95 they will sell you a report that provides copies of the applications, instructions, contact information for regulators, and their fees & timelines.

I checked a few options. The site listed 9 licenses and permits needed to open a sit-down deli in Los Angeles County. Three licenses needed to open a medical clinic in San Bernardino County. Two licenses to open an auto body shop in D.C.

You need to do your own research to track down all the licensing needed.  It’s your bottom line that suffers if you miss something. This looks like a good place to start and save some time.

Full disclosure – I have no interest of any sort in this outfit. Also haven’t actually looked at a report. If you are starting something new, check it out if you think it will help.

Hat tip – Mark Perry.

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